Sword Brass Handle

Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890

Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890
Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890

Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890

Artillery glaive - short and broad artillery or infantry sword, for troops, model around 1890 was a white weapon from the category of swords, possibly in the equipment of artillery soldiers or firefighters, possibly carried by infantrymen and street sergeants. No other informations available for me. The blade is steel with a brass blade, handle and guard.

The guard is straight, and its two arms having flared ends of a circular shape, decorated with concentric circles. The handle has parallel horizontal striations over the entire surface.

The head of the handle ends with a metal brass knob. Blade length: 47.8 cm. Blade width: 3.1 cm.

Spanish short sword old aprox. Year 1890